Funding to Support Development of New General Education Classes
Through a grant from the Teagle Foundation and in partnership with the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), funding is available to support the development of new General Education classes and modify existing non-GE classes to qualify as GEs. A $5000 grant in research funds is awarded to professors submitting successful proposals for a new GE Course.Â
The a Fall 2023 Teagle GE course grant proposal cycle is open. Proposals are due Thursday, November 9, 2023
See proposal guidelines and submission emails below. Â
Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) funding: Additional funding is available for a one-quarter GSR to assist with the course development through the UCLA Instructional Improvement Program. If the course proposal includes a plan for GSR support to develop a new GE course, a separate proposal must be submitted to the TLC Instructional Improvement Program (IIP) to secure the additional funds. Check the IIP website for the details of grant requirements. The IIP spring grant proposals are due Thursday, November 9, 2023 (by 5pm). Funding for modifications to an existing course can be provided either as a faculty research grant or GSR support, but not both.
- Proposals should not exceed three narrative pages, including: (1) course goals, (2) how it will satisfy GE requirements, and (3) the specific tasks required to develop the course.
- Proposals must include a fourth page with a complete budget.
- As part of the proposal package, applicants submit a GE Track that includes the proposed new course. Instructions for submitting a GE Track can be found HERE.
- A letter from the department chair or division dean is required indicating that if created, the course will be offered at least once in the 2023-2024 or 2024-2025 academic year and a statement of good faith to continue offering the course if enrollments are reasonable.
- Download GE Course Proposal Guidelines and Coversheet by clicking on the button below.
- Attach the coversheet to the front of the completed proposal and send your submission to and Development Grant proposal cycle is currently open!
Complete proposals are due by 5:00 pm on Thursday, November 9, 2023.
Applicants to the GE Course Proposal Grant can submit their completed proposals
by email to: & myrna@seas.ucla.eduÂ

What makes for a successful Proposal?
Successful proposals create a GE class that brings engineering students together with students pursuing non-engineering majors to form a diverse group of learners engaged in exploring a General Education topic while developing skills that are hallmarks of a liberal arts education
To help engineering students find these new GE classes and similar existing GE classes, the Samueli School of Engineering is actively identifying groups of thematically aligned GE classes called GE Tracks.  Proposal writers are expected to propose a new GE Track. To view existing tracks, refer to the GE Tracks page.
Professors interested in submitting a proposal for the Teagle funds are encouraged to discuss potential course proposals with Professor Richard Wesel, the UCLA Teagle Foundation grant Director. Even if an instructor is not contemplating proposing a new or modified course, those with ideas for new GE Tracks for engineers or other ideas for more collaboration on curriculum between engineering and non-engineering units are welcome to contact Professor Wesel at
Questions, Contact:
Myrna ReneauÂ
Assistant to Associate Dean Richard Wesel
Office of Academic & Student Affairs
UCLA Samueli School of Engineering